Juan Espino

The Winner of “The Ultimate Fighter 28” tournament in 2018, Espino (9-1 MMA, 1-0 UFC) has a vast background in Martial Arts. Espino grew up in the Canary Islands, off the coast of northwestern Africa where he learned how to wrestle under the tutelage of his father. Espino took his skillset in wrestling and grappling to Africa after many years of training and competing around the world. Espino competed in both disciplines becoming a grappling champion and the first ever European Champion in African Traditional Wrestling. Espino earned the nickname “White Lion” as he took on all opponents in the Laamb style of Senegalese wrestling. Espino, at age 38, joined the UFC on the TUF 28 tournament where he was an unknown. Espino ended up winning the tournament showcasing his talent on the world’s biggest stage.

As a Family member of TEAM LA PERLA, Juan Espino represents the TEAM with pride and will continue to spend time at the gym sharing his vast experience with the youth. We look forward to Juan continuing his illustrious career in the Octagon as he faces the competition in the UFC.

SOURCES: http://mmajunkie.com and https://scorum.com/en-us/wrestling/@izge/remembering-the-white-lion-of-africa-juan-espino